Wednesday, April 21, 2010


My friend told me about this video site called MegaVideo and when I tried uploading the video onto it, it worked! THANK GOD. So yea, obviously the trailer's up and ready to be watched. Yay. Alright, I'll stop talking.

Drum roll please... CLICK HERE :]

Monday, April 19, 2010

Trailer Premier

Today was the in-class premier of our trailer, which means I'm going to be uploading it on here soon. I've already mentioned how I couldn't upload it on YouTube in the previous post and uggggh. I've been trying to find another site where I can upload videos and so far, I've created 3 useless video-uploading site accounts. Unless I miraculously find an appropriate website where I can upload this thing, the trailer probably won't be up today (I need to start on my hw!). Sorry for the letdown.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Tomorrow is the official premier date of our trailer! Exciting. Especially since Derek, Hyo, and I haven't seen it yet because we just got back from Irvine like an hour ago. Sigh. If only we could have edited the trailer with Amos and Ojas...Again, big thanks to Amos and Ojas for editing! We'd be screwed without them. Anyways, keep an eye out for our trailer because I'll be posting it on this blog sometime tomorrow. (I won't be posting it on YouTube because apparently our video "contains an audio track that has not been authorized by WMG" so the audio's been disabled.)
No one likes a trailer without sound. =[

For now, enjoy the
actual trailer of "Slumdog Millionaire".

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Trailer Editing

So. Tomorrow Hyo, Derek, and I are going to be in Irvine for FBLA and we're leaving all the trailer-editing up to Amos and Ojas. sdfkjklsdjf. If only the State Conference wasn't during spring break...
Crossing my fingers that all turns out well.
Gaaaah. We only have 5 days left of spring break counting today, which was for the most part, full of unproductiveness. Besides the scenes we shot for the trailer, we haven't even began filming scenes for the actual movie. -_-
But hey, at least we finished the script, storyboard, and trailer layout.

Vlog Day 2

Vlog Day 2 is now up on our YouTube channel. yay. Today was officially the most unproductive day like in movie-making history. Well, maybe not, but it was still really unproductive due to technical difficulties and the movie editor refusing to cooperate with us and convert the videos imported from Hyo's video camera and my USB drive. As a result, we literally wasted the 4 hours we planned to use for movie-editing. But we did manage to get some work done. Amos created spiffy animated title to be used in the beginning of our trailer, we decided on the songs to be used in the trailer, and we all finished the Experiment 9 post lab (last lab!), or at least I did...

VLOG Day 2: April 14th (Click here!)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Vlog Day 1

Because stupid takes FOREVER to upload videos, I have decided to make a YouTube Channel and upload them there. So yea...this blog fortunately wont' be cluttered with videos as I imagined it would have been.

The first vlog of this movie project is just a click away!
Again, this is a forewarning that these vlogs were filmed not to serve as entertainment so if you're 5 seconds into the video and already bored of watching me narrate/ramble about every single thing our lab group does, then stop watching! Unless you don't have anything better to do, that is.

VLOG Day 1: April 13th (Click here!)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Cat in the Hat, Vlogs in a Blog

Alrighty, so it has been decided that as well as posting photos, we'll also be posting random videos taken during lab group project meetings and (intense) filming sessions to document our progress and let us look back and see if we were actually working hard or hardly working.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3, 2309, 4656543446alksjdfkljlsdf.
Sorry, I've never created a blog before so bear with me.

If you have NO CLUE what this blog is about, I suggest you take a peek at the blog description section. So basically we're just going to be posting movie-project-related things such as our recording/meeting schedules, photos, and what not. Just explore this blog to find out, but not right now, because there's only like one post. So yea, not much to explore. But there will be more soon! ...I hope.