Friday, May 28, 2010

Movie Premiere

Hey guys. Our movie is actually premiering either next Wednesday (June 2nd) or Friday (June 4th), not today. So yea...still keep your eyes peeled for it. On the premiere date (or the day after if I get busy), I'll be most likely posting the final movie on YouTube, that is if our movie doesn't end up like our trailer and containing copyrighted material (it better not...). Otherwise, I'll be posting it on the same site I posted the trailer on.

Oh yea, and today we turned in our movie project--"legit" movie poster, DVD case, scrapbook, everything. YEEE. That means we're almost done! We just have to get through the movie premiere next week and then you won't have to hear me rant about intense film sessions, slumdog chemists, donuts, vlogs, and all that jazz. Come to think of it, I think I'm going to miss all that. :[ It was actually fun stuff, but it wouldn't have been as fun as it was without my lab group. Thanks Hyo, Ojas, Amos, and Derek for making my year in Chem AP so awesome! :] lskdfjlsdjfsd. Omg, school's ending in like 2 weeks and then it'll be summer. Sigh. Speaking of summer and since I'm listening to it right now, this reminds me of summer. :]

Bleh. I should go take a nap now because I have to go to piano lessons soon and I slept at 2:30 A.M. last night (or should I say morning?) due to making last minute work for the movie project. Sigh. It's almost all over. I can't really tell if that's a good or bad thing though...

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