Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Vlog Day 3

Vlog Day 3 is now up on YouTube! And if you're curious to know why I didn't post the vlog on the same day it was taken, which I highly doubt you are, it was because I got home from Amos's house after filming at around 10:15p.m. ish and was too tired to combine all the clips together and make a post similar to the one I'm making right now. Oh, AND 3 hours of badminton practice really pooped me out. So least it's up now!
Overall, today we just went to Amos's house and filmed the very first scene of the movie, the scene where Ojas gets tortured, and organized what we had to do for this whole week mainly because we hardly have any time left to finish the project. What I couldn't believe was that it took 1+ hours to film the first scene, which probably isn't even a minute long (or at least it didn't feel like it...)!

To see the vlog....CLICK HERE :]

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