Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vlog Day 6

Vlog Day 6 has just been uploaded! It was taken last Thursday, May 20, but I had to upload it six days late because I'm a busy girl. I have a life. (Junior year's almost over! Yee.) Anyways, on Thursday, we went to Ojas' apartment place to film the scene in which Piyush kicks Ojas out, thus separating Latika and Ojas. While filming this scene in his "backyard", I placed my dad's video camera on the collapsible plastic table next to the tripod where I was standing and filming Ojas, Amos, and Hyo with Amos' camera. As I was looking into the camera, I suddenly heard the loud thud of flower pots falling on the concrete ground. Surprisingly, they didn't shatter. I went back to doing my business when all of a sudden Amos asks me if I wanted to pick up my video camera. "#@#%*#%!$*%*$!!!!" I was like screaming in my head. My dad's camera was laying helplessly on the floor with dirt surrounding it. I picked it up and found like HECKA scratches on it and all I could think of was how screwed I was going to be. Ugh. It turns out that the camera fell because Ojas moved the collapsible table and kept pushing the table until the seats actually collapsed. I don't really like collapsible tables anymore. Not that I've ever had a liking for them, but still. Word to the wise: Keep your video cameras as far away as possible from collapsible tables and people who like pushing them!

Anyways, back to talking about the movie itself. We also filmed the scene in which Ojas breaks into Javed's house to see Latika. Other scenes were filmed, but I left early so I forgot exactly which other scenes they filmed.

See the vlog! --CLICK HERE :]

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