Monday, June 7, 2010

Slumdog Chemist is Uploaded

I lied last time. The previous post wasn't my last, but this might be. Alright guys, Slumdog Chemist is finally uploaded on both Facebook and YouTube. Yay for not having copyrighted material in our movie and not having our movie denied by like every movie-uploading site in the world!

And for the last time, ENJOY :]


Part 1
Part 2


Part 1
Part 2
Part 3

Oh, and P.S. the movie was freakin 20 minutes and 19 seconds long so I had to upload the movie in 3 parts on YouTube since the site allows you to only upload 10 minute videos. Gaaah. Why couldn't the limit be 10 minutes and 10 seconds? Or even better, no limit at all.

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