Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vlog Day 5

Alrighty, so right now, since it's Sunday night and I'm done with all my homework (I think I am or at least I better be), I'm just going to upload the vlog I made on Wednesday, May 19th. We just continued with filming that day, but this time we got to film using a green screen! As I said before, the green screen, which looks like a simple green blanket that can be bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond for like $19.95 (have we been scammed?), felt like a rip off. $105?! Goodness. Anyways, we bought 3 green screens, but ended up using only 1. Sigh, what a waste of money. We also wasted HECKA time setting up the green screen. We originally planned to set it up in Amos' garage, but due to the lighting and shadows created on the green screen (shadows on the green screen create big black mark things when another background is placed on the screen), we had to move the screen and re-setup the whole thing in Amos' dining room. Such a time-waster. Luckily, Shoumik came over and, being the tech/green screen pro he is, helped us out with filming using the green screen and all that jazz. He told us to iron the wrinkled green screens before using them so that's what we did. 3 green screens. 1 iron. 20 minutes each screen. An hour gone like BAM. Whatever, we considered it as an experience anyways...or at least Amos did. That day, we got a majority of the scenes that required filming in front of a green screen filmed so I guess we were pretty productive that day. Woah, I think this is longest post I've ever written.

See the vlog! --> CLICK HERE :]

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