Friday, May 28, 2010

Movie Premiere

Hey guys. Our movie is actually premiering either next Wednesday (June 2nd) or Friday (June 4th), not today. So yea...still keep your eyes peeled for it. On the premiere date (or the day after if I get busy), I'll be most likely posting the final movie on YouTube, that is if our movie doesn't end up like our trailer and containing copyrighted material (it better not...). Otherwise, I'll be posting it on the same site I posted the trailer on.

Oh yea, and today we turned in our movie project--"legit" movie poster, DVD case, scrapbook, everything. YEEE. That means we're almost done! We just have to get through the movie premiere next week and then you won't have to hear me rant about intense film sessions, slumdog chemists, donuts, vlogs, and all that jazz. Come to think of it, I think I'm going to miss all that. :[ It was actually fun stuff, but it wouldn't have been as fun as it was without my lab group. Thanks Hyo, Ojas, Amos, and Derek for making my year in Chem AP so awesome! :] lskdfjlsdjfsd. Omg, school's ending in like 2 weeks and then it'll be summer. Sigh. Speaking of summer and since I'm listening to it right now, this reminds me of summer. :]

Bleh. I should go take a nap now because I have to go to piano lessons soon and I slept at 2:30 A.M. last night (or should I say morning?) due to making last minute work for the movie project. Sigh. It's almost all over. I can't really tell if that's a good or bad thing though...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Vlog Day 7

Uploading 2 vlogs in a row. I think this is the first time I've done this, and probably the last time since our movie premiere is in 2 DAYS! I think I already said that in my last post, but whatever. I'll just remind you again. Oh, and this means that the full movie will be uploaded onto Facebook soon so keep your eyes peeled. Alrighty, so Vlog Day 7, which is probably going to my last vlog, has just been uploaded. It was taken on Monday, May 24, and I'm on an uploading spree right now so I see no reason why I can't upload it. Anyways, on Monday, we filmed the last scene in which Piyush and Ojas reunite/run away with Latika. Maman also gets killed in this scene. After filming we had donuts from Daily Donuts, a store in Sunnyvale that sells magically delicious donuts. And yes, I'm advertising for them because they're that good. Also, special thanks to all the supporting actors in this scene: Rohit, Bryan, Jeff and Jay!


Now it's time to edit...

See the vlog! --CLICK HERE :]

Vlog Day 6

Vlog Day 6 has just been uploaded! It was taken last Thursday, May 20, but I had to upload it six days late because I'm a busy girl. I have a life. (Junior year's almost over! Yee.) Anyways, on Thursday, we went to Ojas' apartment place to film the scene in which Piyush kicks Ojas out, thus separating Latika and Ojas. While filming this scene in his "backyard", I placed my dad's video camera on the collapsible plastic table next to the tripod where I was standing and filming Ojas, Amos, and Hyo with Amos' camera. As I was looking into the camera, I suddenly heard the loud thud of flower pots falling on the concrete ground. Surprisingly, they didn't shatter. I went back to doing my business when all of a sudden Amos asks me if I wanted to pick up my video camera. "#@#%*#%!$*%*$!!!!" I was like screaming in my head. My dad's camera was laying helplessly on the floor with dirt surrounding it. I picked it up and found like HECKA scratches on it and all I could think of was how screwed I was going to be. Ugh. It turns out that the camera fell because Ojas moved the collapsible table and kept pushing the table until the seats actually collapsed. I don't really like collapsible tables anymore. Not that I've ever had a liking for them, but still. Word to the wise: Keep your video cameras as far away as possible from collapsible tables and people who like pushing them!

Anyways, back to talking about the movie itself. We also filmed the scene in which Ojas breaks into Javed's house to see Latika. Other scenes were filmed, but I left early so I forgot exactly which other scenes they filmed.

See the vlog! --CLICK HERE :]

Movie-Making Progress

So far, we're done with the movie poster (as you can tell by the finished product on this page somewhere) and all the filming. The movie premiere is on Friday, May 28th, which leaves us 2 days to edit this thing. 2. days. Rawr, we originally didn't allocate THIS little time to edit the movie, but things don't always turn out the way you want to. I was just looking at the Chemistry AP Movie Progress Check and apparently, all the filming was supposed to be done by the 30th...of April. Yes, we are one month behind schedule. Sigh. Time passes by so quickly.

Time is ticking away...

Click the link. You'll understand.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


To see a more detailed version of it, just click on the picture.

Filming/Working on Friday to Monday

Alrighty, so apparently more filming was done on Friday, May 22 and Saturday, May 23, but I wasn't there to film and document what our group was doing on those days because I wasn't there. :[ I was busy playing badminton at the SCVALs tournament that weekend. Anyways, on those days, they seemed pretty productive and got a lot of filming done, so it's all good. Today (or

should I say yesterday, since it's already about 19 minutes past midnight) we filmed the last scene, in which Ojas and Piyush reunite with Latika and kill Maman. Yay, that means we're done with filming. That is, if we don't find anything wrong in the clips while we're editing them. So yea, basically we're reserving this whole week for editing and EVERYTHING for this movie (i.e. scrapbook, website advertising, actual movie...) is going to be finito by this Friday or hopefully Thursday. On Sunday, everyone except Amos (since he had to play in some concert) worked on the scrapbook and the movie poster. That reminds me, I should post a picture of the movie poster. I hope the Photoshopping looks decent...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Vlog Day 5

Alrighty, so right now, since it's Sunday night and I'm done with all my homework (I think I am or at least I better be), I'm just going to upload the vlog I made on Wednesday, May 19th. We just continued with filming that day, but this time we got to film using a green screen! As I said before, the green screen, which looks like a simple green blanket that can be bought at Bed, Bath and Beyond for like $19.95 (have we been scammed?), felt like a rip off. $105?! Goodness. Anyways, we bought 3 green screens, but ended up using only 1. Sigh, what a waste of money. We also wasted HECKA time setting up the green screen. We originally planned to set it up in Amos' garage, but due to the lighting and shadows created on the green screen (shadows on the green screen create big black mark things when another background is placed on the screen), we had to move the screen and re-setup the whole thing in Amos' dining room. Such a time-waster. Luckily, Shoumik came over and, being the tech/green screen pro he is, helped us out with filming using the green screen and all that jazz. He told us to iron the wrinkled green screens before using them so that's what we did. 3 green screens. 1 iron. 20 minutes each screen. An hour gone like BAM. Whatever, we considered it as an experience anyways...or at least Amos did. That day, we got a majority of the scenes that required filming in front of a green screen filmed so I guess we were pretty productive that day. Woah, I think this is longest post I've ever written.

See the vlog! --> CLICK HERE :]

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Vlog Day 4

Another vlog has been posted on YouTube. Yay. I like this day-after-day vlog posting thing; it means we're actually filming and working on the movie. Another yay. I felt today was more productive than yesterday because we got all the interrogator scenes and the Ahmed/Ojas scene, which totals to a number of 5 or 6 scenes, filmed. WAAAY more productive than the one scene we did on Monday. I think those scenes total to no more than 2-3 minutes though...but I guess that's okay since our movie can't surpass 15 minutes in length.

Oh yea, and special thanks to Shoumik and Jeff for helping us with filming that day!

To see the vlog... CLICK HERE :]

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Green Screen Mean Lean Cuisine Scene Ilene...

Good news! The green screen we're using in our movie for the "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?" show scenes just came in yesterday (I would say today, but Tuesday was an hour ago). Bad news. It's freakin' $105 and $30 of that amount is the shipping fee. That means we have to pay $21 per person, but once you think about it, I guess it's pretty reasonable. But $30 for shipping! Come on. Those green screens better be heavy.

Vlog Day 3

Vlog Day 3 is now up on YouTube! And if you're curious to know why I didn't post the vlog on the same day it was taken, which I highly doubt you are, it was because I got home from Amos's house after filming at around 10:15p.m. ish and was too tired to combine all the clips together and make a post similar to the one I'm making right now. Oh, AND 3 hours of badminton practice really pooped me out. So least it's up now!
Overall, today we just went to Amos's house and filmed the very first scene of the movie, the scene where Ojas gets tortured, and organized what we had to do for this whole week mainly because we hardly have any time left to finish the project. What I couldn't believe was that it took 1+ hours to film the first scene, which probably isn't even a minute long (or at least it didn't feel like it...)!

To see the vlog....CLICK HERE :]

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The trailer... officially up! And I'm not lying/kidding this time. It's actually up! I posted it on (some Chinese website I got my dad to help me translate) and it didn't complain about copyright issues or anything. Yay. Happy face. Alrighty, enjoy.

CLICK HERE. for reals.

Thank God. Now I can finally go to sleep.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Rawr. I Hate the C-Word...

Yes, right now I'm reeeally hating the fact that our movie trailer contains copyrighted material and the fact that we didn't find out and remove it BEFORE finalizing it. Ugh. Apparently, because our trailer contains copyrighted material, Facebook won't let me upload it onto their site, so now no one gets to watch it online. =[ (By the way, I removed the link to the Facebook video in the previous post so click on the CLICK HERE text all you want; your finger's just going to start cramping.)
So yea, very sad/mad face. I'm going to try again and find another site where I can upload the trailer so keep an eye out for it.

MegaVideo and Stupid Connection Problems

I recently tried playing the trailer I uploaded on MegaVideo and for some reason, it didn't work due some "connection problem". I'm not sure if it's because my internet connection is bad or because MegaVideo hates me, but whatever it is, I uploaded the trailer on Facebook for those of you wanting to see it and dealing with similar "connection" problems. And for those of you who don't have for you. You're missing out on watching like just the awesomest movie trailer ever. jk. Perhaps second awesomest.

Ok, maybe it's not that awesome. :p


Psst. Join our Facebook group! --> CLICK HERE

Friday, May 14, 2010

Indian Name Generators Are Fun.

So for the past five minutes, we were trying to find a screen name for the characters because we decided not to use the same name as the characters in Slumdog Millionaire. I found this awesome ("awesome") Hindu Name Generator to quicken (is that a word?) this process, but Amos disliked all the names that were generated. Here are some examples:

Saninder Manwar
Indergurd Balfar (Hmmm...sounds Harry Potterish)
Harmgurd Preetman
Sukjit Amargur
Warsuk Ditpreet

and on and on and on.

To anyone with any of these names, don't be offended; they just didn't seem to fit the role of the characters. Doesn't mean they're pretty? Anyways.
In the end, we picked "Piyush" as the name of the character that Amos is playing.
That name, by the way, is Ojas's brother's name. Apparently tbe name generator was of no help and only made us want to use Ojas's brother's name even more.

Interested in getting yourself a Hindu name?


First In-Class Blog

As you can see from the title, this is the first in-class blog. Random, but yea. I just wanted to blog about something and this is the only "special occasion" I could think of blogging about. Anyways, it's 12;50 p.m. right now and the beginning of 6th period (Chem AP!). Today is the officially the second post-AP Exam class day, which means it's time to WORKWORKWORK on the movie. Gaaah. We're so behind...We're going to catch up...somehow. aljdkfjskdf. So yea. Today, we're basically going to work on the movie poster layout, the script, the scrapbook, etc. I hope we'll actually get something done today.

And yes, I just put another random Slumdog Millionaire to make this blog unboring.

Monday, May 10, 2010

AP, the Dreaded Two-Letter Word

This has nothing to do with this movie project, other than being chemistry-related, but the Chem AP test is tomorrow! Fremont HS. 7:15 a.m. Not a minute later.
Tonight's the "Dinner Before the Exam" dinner and we're having Italian food (YUM). I'm going to make sure to pig out, or at least try to, just to make the 25 bucks I paid worth it.